Types of Pop-Up Ads and How to Deal with Them

Pop-up ads are like uninvited guests at a party. They just pop up when you least expect them and demand your attention. From the sudden burst of a sale ad when you’re deep into reading an article to a subscription plea that blocks your view, pop-ups can range from mildly annoying to downright disruptive. 

Did you know that pop-ups convert better on mobile than they do on desktop? This is based on a study made by Drip, highlighting that these annoying online visual elements are likely to stay. But why do they exist in such variety, and more importantly, how can you reclaim your browsing experience?

Why are there so many types of pop-ups?

The internet’s vast expanse is a cut-throat marketplace where attention rules. Websites and advertisers are always on the move, leading to the proliferation of different types of pop-ups that attract and engage users. Each kind of pop-up serves a specific purpose:

  • To inform
  • To persuade
  • To engage in ways that content cannot

Pop-up ads differ because of the need to address diverse user behaviors and preferences. For example, some people may prefer more subtle tactics, such as scroll-triggered pop-ups which show up after users have shown an interest in content. Others, however, might need direct approaches like entry pop-up types that present a compelling offer or piece of information right from the start.

In addition to this, there has been an evolution in pop-up technology, which now allows for more sophisticated targeting and personalization. Thus, pop-ups can be contextualized for the user journey within a site making them less intrusive but far more relevant than others before them..

Different types of pop-up ads

Different forms of pop-up ads can be found across the internet, each with its own unique way of capturing attention, communicating information, or prompting action:

Click Pop-Ups

Click pop-ups are probably the simplest types of pop-ups. They appear when a user interacts with a specific element on a webpage, such as:

  • A link
  • An image
  • A button

An action prompts the pop-up window, which may give more information about something, present a special offer, or ask for email subscriptions. Click pop-ups are not very annoying because they come up only after users have interacted with them and result in a better user experience.

Entry Pop-Ups

The moment users land on a webpage, entry pop-ups show up immediately after this happens. Quite often, it is used to immediately bring attention to special announcements, subscription sign-ups, or welcome discounts.

While they do well at grabbing immediate attention, their timing could be crucial coming too soon and they might overwhelm or irritate the visitor, which will eventually increase bounce rates.

Exit Pop-Ups

These pop-ups are made specifically to catch people who are about to exit sites. The movement of the mouse pointers helps these messages detect that someone wants to close a tab or leave it totally.

Last-minute deals reminding clients what’s in their shopping cart and feedback proposals usually characterize these pop-ups. They serve as one last chance for engagement by providing some value that might make a user think twice before leaving.


Also called modal or lightbox pop-ups, these specific types block contents on-page, dimming out the backdrop but without opening in new tabs or windows. This might be for:

  • Newsletter signups
  • Special offers
  • Important notifications

Overlays are particularly effective because they allow users to read the message content while still being able to stay on the page with less intrusive interactions.

Pop-Under Ads

On the other hand, pop-under ads are a form of more clandestine pop-up adverts. They open beneath the active browser window and remain hidden until the user shuts their present window. This might appear less irritating at that time, but multiple pop-under ads discovered after browsing can be frustrating for users.

Pop-under ads are often used by marketers to make an impression on viewers, hoping they will be curious and engage with the content later.

Timed Pop-Ups

Timed pop-ups are displayed after a certain amount of time has been spent by a user on a webpage. The idea behind it is to give the user enough time to interact with the content before displaying them with a pop-up.

This kind of pop-up is often employed to give more detailed information about what a person is already looking at like in-depth guides, extended trials, or exclusive content among others making them more related and potentially welcome.

Scroll Pop-Ups

Scroll pop-ups are those that appear when you move down on website pages. For instance, long-form contents that are being scrolled through may display these for specific points corresponding to the level of interest shown by readers.

Scroll pop-ups could involve features like having similar articles, subscription forms, etc. Consequently, this aims at capitalizing on demonstrated interest from consumers who have been scrolling through such materials.

Hate pop-ups? Use Poper Blocker

There is nothing worse than having to click through web pages cluttered with unwanted pop-ups. Of course, these interruptions have always been one of the biggest distractions on the internet. Poper Blocker comes in as a watchdog for your browsing peace. Available for Chrome and Edge users, this powerful browser extension helps fend off pop-ups which are so common on the web.

This tool differs from traditional pop-up blockers that may only aim at ads opening in new windows or tabs by targeting not just basic pop-ups but also overlays that come up directly on the page you are viewing so you can have a cleaner and more focused browsing experience.

For those ready to embrace a world wide web free of pop-ups, installing Poper Blocker is easy. Firstly, open the Google Chrome Web Store or Microsoft Edge Add-ons page then search for Poper Blocker. Then, press “Add To Chrome” or “Get” on edge and follow the instructions that come next before finally adding it to your browser settings.

poper blocker for pop-up ads

After installation, the Poper Blocker icon will appear on your browser’s upper right corner serving you as your control center against all the unwanted intrusions.

poper blocker chrome extension to block pop ups

To change your protection settings, click on the Poper Blocker icon. The “Block basic popups” should be activated because it will prevent all those annoying ads that open in new windows or tabs, while enabled with “Block advanced popup (overlay)” which also stops these irritating promotional banners from appearing directly onto any webpage you’re currently visiting.

With these adjustments made according to your taste, you will go online more freely knowing that Poper Blockers has ensured there are no disturbances when engaging in any activity done online.

A World Without Pop-Ups

Think of a situation where you can concentrate on what you have chosen and minimize or entirely remove interruptions, as well as other factors that hinder your smooth browsing experience. This is not wishful thinking; this is attainable with the right tools at your disposal. 

By employing a browser extension or add-on like Poper Blocker, you’re not just blocking unwanted distractions; you’re reclaiming your online space, making it yours once again. You only visit the internet for certain reasons, and this system has been created to ensure that they are met fully. Step into an online environment more controlled by Poper Blocker where you create rules for your digital self.

Block intrusive pop-ups effortlessly with Poper Blocker. Get it today!


Why do some pop-ups still get through ad blockers?

Ad blockers are in a constant cat-and-mouse game with ad creators. Some pop-ups slip through because they’re crafted using advanced scripts that mimic non-ad content or are embedded directly within the site’s HTML, making them harder for blockers to identify without also blocking legitimate website functionality. Additionally, ad creators frequently update their methods to circumvent the latest ad-blocking technologies, leading to a perpetual cycle of updates from both sides.

Can pop-ups be dangerous?

Yes, absolutely. While many pop-ups are benign, offering promotions or subscriptions, others are more sinister. These malicious pop-ups can redirect you to harmful websites or even initiate downloads of malware or spyware onto your device without your consent. This is why it’s crucial to be cautious with pop-ups, especially those that appear suspicious or out of context with the website’s content.

Why do websites use annoying pop-ups if they know users dislike them?

Despite their notoriety, pop-ups remain a highly effective tool for websites to engage visitors. They capture immediate attention and can significantly increase conversion rates, whether for newsletter sign-ups, sales promotions, or social media follows. The key for websites is finding a balance that achieves their goals without alienating their audience. This often involves targeting pop-ups to offer real value to the visitor or using them sparingly to avoid overwhelming users.

Are all pop-ups bad?

Not at all. While pop-ups have a reputation for being intrusive, many are designed with the user’s interest in mind. For instance, pop-ups can alert you to discounts you wouldn’t want to miss or offer valuable resources like e-books or guides in exchange for your email. When used thoughtfully, pop-ups can enhance your online experience rather than detract from it.

How can I differentiate between a safe pop-up and a potentially harmful one?

Identifying a safe pop-up versus a harmful one requires vigilance. Safe pop-ups typically come from reputable sources and offer clear, relevant information or benefits without pressuring you for immediate action. Be wary of pop-ups that make extravagant promises, contain spelling or grammatical errors, ask for personal or financial information, or use scare tactics to provoke an emotional response. When in doubt, it’s safer to close the pop-up and visit the official website directly for verification.

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