How Can I Block Cookies?

Your online privacy faces challenges with each website visit, as cookies track your movements across the internet. Imagine a web experience shaped by your preferences, free from unwanted tracking. This guide provides clear, step-by-step instructions for blocking cookies on various browsers, highlighting Poper Blocker as a powerful ally in protecting your online privacy.

Should I Block All Cookies on My Browser?

Deciding whether to block all cookies on your browser hinges on balancing privacy concerns with the convenience of your online experience. Cookies, small data files stored by websites on your device, serve various purposes. They remember your site preferences, login details, and shopping cart contents, streamlining your web navigation. 

Certainly, these statistics offer a revealing glimpse into the widespread use of cookies and the relatively low number of users actively managing them:

  • A significant 42.4% of websites around the globe implement cookies to enhance user experience, gather analytics, or track user behavior for targeted advertising (Source: W3Techs)
  • Surprisingly, only 1.13% of internet users take proactive steps to erase their cookies manually or utilize incognito mode for browsing (Source: TechJury)

However, third-party cookies often track your browsing activities for advertising purposes, raising privacy issues.

Look: Blocking all cookies can significantly enhance your privacy, making it harder for websites to monitor your online movements. Yet, this action to block trackers may lead to unintended consequences, such as the need for frequent logins and the loss of personalized settings on websites you frequently visit. Some sites might not function correctly without access to cookie data, potentially disrupting your web experience.

Therefore, a nuanced approach might be more effective. Consider blocking only third-party cookies or using a privacy-focused browser extension that offers more granular control. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of first-party cookies that make websites more user-friendly while protecting yourself from unwanted tracking.

Taking control of your online privacy is essential especially now that digital threats are widespread and imminent. Below are basic tutorials that detail the process of blocking and managing cookies on different web browsers, such as Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to name a few:

How to Block Cookies on Google Chrome

To block cookies on Google Chrome, follow these detailed steps for a more secure browsing experience:

  1. Open Google Chrome: Begin by launching your Chrome browser from your desktop or application folder.
    Chrome - Browser
  2. Access Settings: Click on the three vertical dots located at the top right corner of the browser window to unveil the drop-down menu. From there, select “Settings” to open the settings menu.
    Chrome - Settings
  3. Navigate to Privacy Controls: Scroll down and click on “Privacy and security” on the left-hand side menu to access your privacy controls.
    Chrome - Privacy and Security
  4. Open Site Settings: Within the “Privacy and security” section, find and click on “Site settings” to adjust how Chrome interacts with websites.
    Chrome - Site settings
  5. Adjust Cookie Settings: Look for the “Third-party cookies” option and click on it. Here, you’ll find various settings related to cookies.
    Chrome - Third-party cookies
  6. Choose Your Cookie Blocking Preference: You have a few options to manage cookies:
    – To block all cookies, select “Block all cookies (not recommended).” Be mindful that this setting might prevent some websites from working correctly.

    – To stop third-party cookies, which are often used for tracking, choose “Block third-party cookies”. This option allows sites you visit to set cookies but blocks cookies set by advertisers and other third parties.

  7. Confirm Your Settings: After selecting your preferred cookie settings, your choices will automatically save. You can now navigate away from the settings tab or close it.
    Chrome - block cookies

How to Block Cookies on Safari

To enhance your online privacy by blocking cookies on Safari, follow this straightforward guide:

  1. Open Safari Preferences: Start by launching Safari. On the menu bar at the top of your screen, click “Safari” and then select “Preferences” from the dropdown menu. This action opens the preferences window where you can adjust various settings related to your browsing experience.
  2. Access the Privacy Tab: Within the Preferences window, locate and click on the “Privacy” tab. This section is dedicated to settings that affect how Safari handles your personal information and online activity.
  3. Adjust Your Cookie Settings: In the Privacy tab, you will see several options related to web tracking and cookies. To block cookies, check the option labeled “Block all cookies.” Be aware that enabling this setting might prevent some websites from functioning correctly, as it stops websites from saving and reading cookie data.
  4. Manage Website Data: If you’re interested in a more granular approach, you can click on “Manage Website Data…” to see a list of websites that have stored cookies and other data on your device. From here, you can remove data for individual sites without blocking all cookies outright.
  5. Enable Prevent Cross-Site Tracking: For an added layer of privacy, ensure that the “Prevent cross-site tracking” option is checked. This feature restricts third-party cookies, which are often used by advertisers to track your browsing activity across different sites.
  6. Close Preferences: Once you’ve made your selections, simply close the Preferences window. Your changes will automatically save, and Safari will apply your new privacy settings immediately.

How to Block Cookies on Microsoft Edge

To block cookies on Microsoft Edge for a more private browsing experience, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Microsoft Edge: Open your Microsoft Edge browser from your desktop, taskbar, or Start menu.
    Microsoft Edge - Browser
  2. Open Settings: Click on the three horizontal dots located in the top right corner of the browser to reveal the dropdown menu. From there, select “Settings” to access the browser’s settings menu.
    Microsoft Edge - Settings
  3. Access Privacy and Services: On the left-hand side of the Settings menu, click on “Privacy, search, and services”. This section is dedicated to adjusting how Edge handles your data and protects your privacy.
    Microsoft Edge - Privacy, search, and services
  4. Locate Cookie Settings: Scroll down until you find the “Cookies and site permissions” section. Click on it to explore more detailed settings related to cookies and site data.
    Microsoft Edge - Cookies and site permissions
  5. Adjust Cookie Controls: Within the “Cookies and site permissions” section, find and select “Manage and delete cookies and site data”. Here, you’ll be presented with options to manage how cookies are handled.
    Microsoft Edge - Manage and delete cookies and site data
  6. Block Third-Party Cookies: To enhance your privacy, you can choose to block third-party cookies by selecting the “Block third-party cookies” option. This setting prevents websites from allowing any third-party cookies, which are often used for tracking purposes, while still permitting first-party cookies that are essential for websites to function correctly.
    Microsoft Edge - Block cookies
  7. Review and Close: After selecting your preferred settings, your changes will automatically save. You can then close the settings tab and continue browsing with your new cookie preferences in effect.

How to Block Cookies on Firefox

To block cookies on Firefox and safeguard your browsing privacy, follow this detailed guide:

  1. Start Firefox: Open your Firefox browser from wherever it’s located on your computer.
    Firefox - Browser
  2. Access Settings: Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to open the menu. From there, select “Settings” to enter the settings area of Firefox.
    Firefox - Settings
  3. Go to Privacy & Security: On the left side of the Options screen, click on “Privacy & Security”. This section allows you to adjust settings that affect how Firefox handles your data and protects your privacy.
    Firefox - Privacy & security
  4. Choose Your Cookie Blocking Level: Scroll down to the “Cookies and Site Data” section. Here, Firefox offers several levels of cookie blocking. For a balance between functionality and privacy, select “Custom” and then check the box next to “Cookies.”
    Firefox - Cookies and site data
  5. Select the Type of Cookies to Block: After choosing to block cookies under the Custom settings, you have the option to specify which types of web cookies to block. To enhance privacy, select “All third-party cookies” from the dropdown menu. This setting prevents websites from using cookies that track your activity across the web, while still allowing cookies that are essential for websites to operate.
    Firefox - Block cookies
  6. Finalize Your Settings: Your changes are automatically saved as you make them. Once you’ve adjusted your cookie settings to your satisfaction, you can close the Options tab and continue browsing with your new level of privacy protection.

How to Block Cookies on iOS

To enhance your privacy on iOS devices, there are two primary methods for blocking cookies depending on the browser you use: Safari or Chrome.

Each browser offers a unique approach to managing cookies, allowing you to tailor your browsing experience to your privacy preferences:

Block Cookies in Safari for iOS

  1. Open Settings: Begin by opening the “Settings” app on your iOS device. This is where you can adjust your device’s overall configurations.
    iOS - Safari - Settings App
  2. Navigate to Safari Settings: Scroll down within the Settings menu until you find “Safari”. Tap on it to access Safari’s specific settings.
    iOS - Safari - Safari Settings
  3. Go to Advanced: In the Safari settings menu, look for the “Advanced” section. Here, you will find options related to how Safari handles your data.
    iOS - Safari - Advanced Settings
  4. Enable Block All Cookies: Find the option labeled “Block All Cookies” and toggle the switch to the ON position. This action will prevent websites from saving cookies to your device, enhancing your privacy but potentially affecting site functionality.
    iOS - Safari - Block all cookies button
  5. Confirm Your Choice: A prompt may appear, warning you about the potential impact of blocking all cookies. If you’re sure about your decision, confirm to proceed with the settings change.
    iOS - Safari - Confirm choice to block cookies

Block Cookies in Chrome for iOS

Unfortunately, Chrome for iOS does not provide a direct option to block cookies within the app’s settings. However, you can manage cookies by clearing them after your browsing sessions:

  1. Open Chrome: Launch the Chrome app on your iOS device.
    iOS - Chrome - Browser
  2. Access Chrome Settings: Tap on the three dots at the bottom right corner to open the menu, then select “Settings”.
    iOS - Chrome - Settings
  3. Go to Privacy and Security: Within the settings menu, find and tap on “Privacy and Security”.
    iOS - Chrome - Privacy and Security
  4. Clear Browsing Data: Tap on “Clear Browsing Data”. Here, you can select “Cookies, Site Data” among other data types you wish to remove.
    iOS - Chrome - Cookies, site data
  5. Execute Clearing: After selecting the types of data you want to clear, tap on “Clear Browsing Data” at the bottom of the screen. Confirm your choice to remove the selected data from your device.
    iOS - Chrome - Clear Browsing Data

How to Block Cookies on Android (Chrome)

Blocking cookies on Android devices is a straightforward process that enhances your browsing privacy. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Chrome: Start by launching the Chrome app on your Android device. This is where most cookie management actions will take place.
    Android - Chrome - Browser
  2. Access Settings: Tap on the three dots located at the top right corner of your screen to unveil the menu. From there, select “Settings” to dive into the options that control your browsing experience.
    Android - Chrome - Settings
  3. Site Settings: Within the Settings menu, scroll until you find “Site Settings”. This section allows you to adjust how websites interact with your device, including how they handle cookies.
    Android - Chrome - Site Settings
  4. Third-Party Cookies: Tap on “Third-party cookies” within the Site Settings menu. Here, you’ll find several options related to cookie management.
    Android - Chrome - Third party cookies
  5. Choose Your Cookie Setting: You have a few choices to manage cookies on your Android device:
    Allow third-party cookies: Permits cookies from both the site you’re visiting and other sites, typically used for tracking, to be saved on your device.
    Block all cookies: Prevents all websites from saving cookies on your device, which might lead to some sites not functioning correctly.
    Block third-party cookies: Allows cookies from the site you’re visiting but blocks cookies from other sites, which are often used for tracking.
    Android - Chrome - Block cookies
  6. Finalize Your Preference: After selecting your preferred cookie setting, simply navigate back to your browsing session. The changes will apply immediately, enhancing your privacy as you browse.

Using Poper Blocker to Block Cookies

Utilizing Poper Blocker (The extension is available for Chrome and Microsoft Edge) to manage your online privacy transforms your browsing experience by offering two pivotal features: “Stop sites from tracking you” and “Hide cookie requests.”

The tracker blocking capability is a game-changer, effectively preventing websites from monitoring your online activities. This ensures that your personal information remains confidential, offering peace of mind as you surf the web.

Meanwhile, the cookie consent feature simplifies your internet use by eliminating those persistent and often intrusive cookie consent notifications.

block cookies with Poper blocker

Aside from cookie blocking, this browser extension can stop pop-up ads. With Poper Blocker, you gain a cleaner, more streamlined browsing experience and can stop cookie pop-ups, freeing you from digital clutter and the distraction of unnecessary notifications and trackers.

Don’t let cookies track you – Secure your browser with Poper Blocker

Time to Secure Your Online Footprint

Safeguarding your online privacy has never been more essential. With the detailed steps for blocking cookies across different browsers and the specialized features of Poper Blocker, you’re equipped to shield and delete your digital footprint effectively. This guide not only sheds light on the path to greater privacy online but also empowers you to take decisive steps toward it.

By adjusting your cookie settings and leveraging the capabilities of this pop-up blocker, you take control of your personal data. The choice to shape your internet experience and privacy level is yours. As you navigate the web, these strategies stand as your defense against intrusive tracking, promising a more secure and private browsing experience.

Say goodbye to unwanted cookies – Install Poper Blocker now


What are the consequences of blocking all cookies?

Blocking all cookies can significantly enhance your privacy but at the cost of convenience. Websites rely on cookies to remember your login details, preferences, and shopping cart contents. Without cookies, you might find yourself repeatedly logging into sites, manually adjusting settings, and losing items in your shopping cart. It’s a trade-off between enjoying a personalized web experience and maintaining a higher level of privacy.

Can websites still track me without cookies?

Even without cookies, websites have other methods to track user behavior, such as fingerprinting, which collects details about your device and browser settings to create a unique profile. However, blocking cookies disrupts the most common tracking method, making it significantly harder for advertisers and analytics companies to monitor your online activities. It’s an effective step to protect your privacy online.

Is it safe to block cookies on all websites?

Blocking cookies on all websites is generally safe and can protect your privacy. However, this action may lead to some unintended inconveniences. Certain websites might not function as intended without access to cookie data. For instance, online stores, banking sites, and platforms requiring login credentials might face issues in maintaining session information, leading to a less seamless experience. It’s advisable to customize cookie settings, allowing them on websites you trust and blocking them elsewhere.

How often should I update my cookie preferences?

Your online habits and the websites you visit may evolve, so it’s wise to review and adjust your cookie preferences periodically. This ensures that your settings align with your current privacy comfort level and browsing needs. Some browsers offer features that periodically clear cookies or block them by default, which can help maintain your preferences without constant monitoring.

Can Poper Blocker replace my browser’s privacy settings?

Poper Blocker is designed to complement your browser’s privacy settings, offering additional layers of protection against tracking and unwanted cookie requests. While it enhances privacy beyond what standard settings achieve, it works best in tandem with your browser’s built-in privacy features. Together, they provide a robust defense against intrusive tracking and help maintain a balance between functionality and privacy.

Ready for a cookie-free browsing experience? Install Poper Blocker

We use cookies for analytics, personalized content, and better experience on our site. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy.