what are cookie trackers and how to remove them with Poper blocker

Tracking Cookies Explained: What They Are and How to Block Them

Visiting a website and later seeing ads related to the content you viewed is the work of tracking cookies. These are small text files that store your browsing information to personalize ads and improve user interactions. It’s important to understand that around 42% of websites globally use cookies. However, this may also raise privacy concerns, which is why knowing how they function and learning to manage them is important for maintaining your online privacy. What is a tracking cookie? Tracking cookies are small text files placed on your browser by websites you visit. These cookies are designed to collect data

what are pop ups and how to block them?

What are Pop-Ups?

Have you ever been deep into reading an article online, only to have your flow disrupted by a sudden window popping up out of nowhere? That’s a pop-up for you, the internet’s way of catching your eye, for better or for worse. OptiMonk’s insights has revealed that the average conversion rate for popups stands at 11.09%. It just goes to show how much of an effective tool they are for advertisers, which is why they are not likely going away anytime soon. What Is a Pop-up, and What Is Its Purpose? In its simplest form, a pop-up is a website

Block all types of online ads

Types of Online Ads and How You Can Block Them

Every day, an internet user is bombarded with an average of 5,000 ads (source G2 Learning Hub). This overwhelming flood of advertisements spans across various platforms, from social media to search engines, making it nearly impossible to avoid them. But what if you could browse through this ad-laden online landscape more smoothly? What are Online Ads? Online advertising works in a similar way to billboards. Its aim is to catch your attention and make you interested. Online ads can be found in different formats that all communicate messages or promote products, services, or brands. These ad-tracking tactics utilize the extensive

Too many ads: why are online ads so annoying?

Too Many Ads: Why Are Online Ads So Annoying?

Online ads are everywhere. From spam popups that interrupt your video binge-watching to banners that crowd your favorite websites, the digital space seems cluttered with advertising. But why has it reached the point where there are just too many ads, and more importantly, why are these so annoying? Studies reveal a stark reality: a whopping 70% of internet users find digital ads annoying, and a similar percentage report a negative impact on their perception of brands due to poor ad experiences. This sentiment is echoed across various platforms, with users lamenting the intrusion of ads into their online activities. Why

what is ad blocking?

What Is Ad Blocking and How Does It Work?

Did you notice that there are too many ads online? They are everywhere, bombarding users with unwanted distractions. It’s estimated that digital advertising spending worldwide could reach $870.85 billion by 2027. This rising number highlights the alarming growth of online ads, leading many to seek a solution. What is Ad Blocking? Ad blocking is a technological intervention made to improve the user’s experience by removing advertisements from web pages. This process includes identifying and stopping ad content from loading, hence providing a cleaner and more streamlined browsing environment. In other words, it aims to block distractions which are often in

Types of Pop-Up Ads

Types of Pop-Up Ads and How to Deal with Them

Pop-up ads are like uninvited guests at a party. They just pop up when you least expect them and demand your attention. From the sudden burst of a sale ad when you’re deep into reading an article to a subscription plea that blocks your view, pop-ups can range from mildly annoying to downright disruptive.  Did you know that pop-ups convert better on mobile than they do on desktop? This is based on a study made by Drip, highlighting that these annoying online visual elements are likely to stay. But why do they exist in such variety, and more importantly, how

how to block ads on new sites

How to Block Ads on News Sites and Stop Distractions

Are you tired of endless ads cluttering your news reading experience? Well, these online advertisements won’t go away anytime soon. Integral Ad Science’s data, as reported by eMarketer, shows that 35% of American consumers are most likely to be influenced by ads on news sites suggesting that these ads will remain a staple in the foreseeable future. But, can you imagine that there is a workable way to stop ads appearing on news sites giving you a cleaner and uninterrupted browsing experience? Find out below. Why Do News Sites Use Ads? All over the Internet, ads are used as a

How to block cookies

How Can I Block Cookies?

Your online privacy faces challenges with each website visit, as cookies track your movements across the internet. Imagine a web experience shaped by your preferences, free from unwanted tracking. This guide provides clear, step-by-step instructions for blocking cookies on various browsers, highlighting Poper Blocker as a powerful ally in protecting your online privacy. Should I Block All Cookies on My Browser? Deciding whether to block all cookies on your browser hinges on balancing privacy concerns with the convenience of your online experience. Cookies, small data files stored by websites on your device, serve various purposes. They remember your site preferences,

How to Block Trackers

How to Block Trackers to Keep Your Online Life Private and Secure

Nowadays, keeping your privacy on the web is a challenge. The second you click or type anything, countless invisible trackers collect data about you. Every time you browse the internet, they gather information about what sites you visit and what actions you take. Some are relatively harmless; others can lead to more targeted ads. It’s quite a shocking revelation, really. According to the Pew Research Center, 73% of American adults think they have little say over how data about them gets used by companies. And when it comes to the government, that number climbs to a staggering 79%. But is

How to Disable Pop-up Blockers

The Complete Guide on How to Disable Pop-up Blockers

Once simply irritating, pop-up ads have grown into something more insidious that interrupts our online experience. Pop-ups, a type of ad that famously drives people nuts, have an average conversion rate of 11.09%, Optimonk says. Meanwhile, 31% of U.S. adults use ad-blocking tools to keep their personal data private, eMarketer reports. The mess of the internet is hard to avoid when it’s being thrown in your face but thankfully there are a bunch of blockers built to help out. However, these helpful tools don’t always work as intended, and can sometimes block important content along with the annoying ads. This