Block Video Ads: A Guide to Uninterrupted Surfing

Block Video Ads: A Guide to Uninterrupted Surfing

Have you ever been immersed in an online article, only to be jolted out of your concentration by a sudden video ad? It’s a common frustration shared by many internet users today. Video ads, while a crucial part of the digital marketing ecosystem, can often be intrusive and disruptive to our online experience. Why Should You Block Video Ads? Video ads are more than just a minor annoyance; they can significantly hinder our online experience. They consume valuable data, slow down page loading times, and can be particularly intrusive when they play sound automatically. Blocking these ads isn’t just about

what are pop ups and how to block them?

Why You Should Use an Ad Blocker

Are you getting irritated by constant ad pop-ups interrupting your web browsing experience? Do you find your internet browsing slowing down? Are you worried about inappropriate adult content popping up on your screen? These are all common examples of inappropriate or irritating ads interfering with your internet browsing experience. There are many advantages to having an ad blocker when surfing the web and minimal disadvantages. Here you will learn all about these pros, how they outweigh the cons, what an ad blocker is and how it works, as well as the ways in which they secure you, your personal information,

Website Cookies

Technically Speaking: What are the Different Types of Internet Cookies?

Do you often have notifications appear when you visit a website asking if you would like to accept cookies and you have no clue what that means? Don’t worry, most people don’t fully understand what they’re agreeing to when they accept cookies on a webpage. In the United States, it was found that 49% of people only somewhat understand what internet cookies are and 24% of people don’t understand what they are at all. In this article, we’re going to get into all things cookies to educate people on what they’re giving permission to when they accept cookies on a

Streaming Pop-ups

How to block pop-ups on movie streaming sites

Isn’t unlimited, disruption-free streaming just the best? There’s nothing like a movie streaming session, binging your favorite shows, or playing your most loved music without interruption. Sometimes it can be just what we need to improve our day. In fact, in 2022,the global average of streaming online videos is 19 hours a week. It’s safe to say we are a society that loves to stream! And with more and more streaming services developing and growing, unfortunately, intrusive pop-up ads will appear more often, disrupting your once-was ad-free service. Luckily, there are some tools and tips you can use to block

Chrome notifications

How to Block Chrome Notifications

Do you find that Chrome notifications interfere with your browsing experience? Not to worry, whthere are multiple solutions for you! Irritating notifications can be easily disabled with just a few clicks. Continue reading below to learn a step-by-step guide on how to block notifications on Chrome. Why Are Chrome Notifications Bad? Chrome notifications are considered a form of spam. They can drain your device’s central processing unit (CPU) by forcing your browser to upload and stream unnecessary links and ads that you aren’t interested in seeing. The impact it has on your device’s CPU causes your online browsing to slow

Block online distractions

The Benefits of Using Poper Blocker

You’re fed up with pop-ups ruining your online experiences, so you’ve decided that it’s time to put a stop to it with a blocker app. Good thinking, blockers are the ideal way to stop those irritating boxes from bombarding your screen. Poper Blocker is an excellent choice to make when choosing the right blocker for you, but why is that? Today, we’re going to let you know the advantages you can expect once you’ve installed Poper Blocker on your device. The Ideal Blocker for Chrome and Firefox First off, it’s important to make sure that the blocker app you choose

desktop adblock

How to Block YouTube Ads on Chrome

Are you getting irritated by all the ads that pop up while you’re watching YouTube videos? YouTube is inundated with ads that can last half an hour or more. They appear at the start, middle, and end of videos, flooding your webpage and impacting your video-watching experience. Regardless of how long or short the video is, ads will pop up numerous times. Not to worry because there are multiple tips and tricks to help you block YouTube ads. If you are a part of the YouTube community, are frustrated with polluting video ads, and also browse YouTube on Google Chrome,

Online notifications

7 Tips for Removing Online Distractions

The online world as we know it today dominates more than ever before. The online world enables us to work from home, study from home, and socialize and connect from home. As technology has advanced, our time online has increased exponentially in all realms of life. However, it can be difficult to stay focused on tasks (work, school, or personal) because of the overload of online distractions. There are thousands of online distractions that come in different forms; common online distractions include pop-ups and ads that appear everywhere, on almost every website you visit.  Luckily, there are ways to block

Remove popups

How Wonderful Life is with No Spam Popups

Pop-ups can be really annoying and they can cause a lot of frustration when you visit a website and are greeted with multiple boxes popping up on your screen. These used to be linked with viruses and can still indicate that you have malware on your device. Now, they are part of the website’s code, asking for specific actions or permissions like: Allowing the website to send you notifications Asking for your location Newsletter or subscription sign-ups Sales pitches or product ads Information shared through videos These pop-ups can appear over your page, make noise, or even show up beneath

Poper Blocker vs. Competitors

How does Poper Blocker compare against other popup blockers?

Popups are probably the most familiar form of today’s invasive advertising. Though their name may suggest, they don’t just pop UP, but also pop under, hide themselves off-screen, pop as new browser tabs and often ask you to click this and that before they would let you close the window. In short, nobody wants to deal with a popup!