Declutter Your Social Media: Simple Tips for a Cleaner Feed

Are your social media feeds stressing you out and making you feel anxious? You’re totally not the only one! It’s like everyone’s feeds are just full of updates, too many ads, and random stuff that keeps popping up all the time. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed, right? And it turns out that 62.3% of the world’s population are on social media (source: Smart Insights) and checking them all the time can really mess with their heads. The American Psychological Association found that this constant checking isn’t doing anyone any favors, especially when it comes to our mental health.

But don’t worry, there’s a way to deal with this social media craziness. If you want to keep your sanity and make scrolling through your feeds less like a battle and more like a chill hangout, keep reading. We’ve got some cool tips to help you out.

You’ll learn why it’s a good idea to tidy up your social media and how to do it without going crazy. We’re talking about blocking those pesky ads, muting words that stress you out, and even changing how you get notifications. It’s like Marie Kondo for your digital life! And the best part? You’ll end up with a social media experience that’s way more enjoyable and less like a never-ending to-do list. So, let’s get started on making your online world a nicer place to be and giving yourself a break from the noise.

Why decluttering your social media feed is important

A social media declutter is a big deal, and it can totally boost your mood and help you get more done. Think about it, when you’re bombarded with updates, notifications, and ads all the time, it’s like having a noisy party in your head that never stops. It’s easy to get stressed and distracted, right? But when you clean up your feed, it’s like giving yourself a breath of fresh air. You can focus on the stuff that actually matters to you.

Turns out, scrolling through endless feeds can mess with your head. Studies have shown that too much social media time can lead to feeling anxious or down in the dumps. But once you clear out the junk and start the digital detox, you start enjoying the internet again. You know, like actually having fun conversations with people and seeing stuff that makes you happy.

How to declutter social media feeds

So, how do you tidy up this mess? Here are some must-try tips:

1. Block ads on social media platforms

Ads are like uninvited guests at your party. They pop up and ruin your vibe. So, grab a tool like Poper Blocker (Available on Chrome and Edge) to kick them out. Just flick the switch for “Block ads on social media,” and boom, your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), and LinkedIn feed looks cleaner. Plus, it blocks pop-ups too, so you can scroll without getting annoyed.

block ads on social media

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2. Mute words on your feed

Are there certain words or topics that just bum you out? Poper Blocker can help with that. Just tell it to hide posts with those words via the “Hide social posts that contain a specific word” under the Social Media Content Filter, and voilà! Your feed is more chill. This way, you can control what you see and keep your online space all zen.

Social media content filter

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3. Mute and unfollow people

Cleaning out your ‘following’ list is also a good idea. We all have those accounts we don’t really need to see anymore. Maybe they’re from your past life or just don’t spark joy anymore. Hit unfollow or mute, and watch your feed transform into a happy place filled with only the good stuff.

4. Customize your notifications or turn them off

Those little red dots can be so demanding. But guess what? You’re the boss of your phone, not the other way around. You can do this by going to your phone’s settings and configuring the notifications. You can customize them so that you’ll only get alerts for the important stuff. That way, you’re not jumping every time your phone buzzes.

5. Consider uninstalling the apps and limiting yourself to using a PC for social media

This might seem a bit old school, but trust us, this method actually works. If you’re always on your phone, try using social media only on your computer. It’s like putting your phone on a leash. This way, you’re less likely to scroll mindlessly when you have to sit down at a desk.

6. Set specific times of the day when you use social media

Make like a bouncer and give yourself some rules for when you can hop on the social media train. Maybe you check it in the morning and evening, but keep it off-limits before bed. That way, you can keep up with the cool stuff without letting it take over your life. It takes practice but you’ll surely get used to it.

Declutter your social media and start taking control!

Want to feel better about scrolling through your socials? It’s totally possible! Cleaning up your feeds and doing a digital declutter can make your time online way more chill and enjoyable. Give these tips and tools like Poper Blocker a shot today and watch your digital world transform into a less chaotic, more “you” kind of place. It’s like Marie Kondo for your internet life, but instead of sparking joy, it’s all about keeping only what truly matters to you. You’ll love the change, and most importantly, the peace.


How often should I clean up my social media?

You should totally give your social media a good sprucing up at least once every three months. It keeps your feed fresh and full of stuff you actually want to see, so you don’t get bored or overwhelmed.

How do I stop those pesky ads on social media?

One good way is by installing the Poper Blocker browser extension. It’s like a magical shield that blocks ads on your favorite platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), and LinkedIn. It makes scrolling way more chill and clutter-free.

Can I pick what shows up on my feed?

Of course. Muting certain words or topics is like telling your feed to only show you the good stuff. It’s like a social media filtering for happy vibes, so you can skip the drama and focus on what makes you smile.

What’s the deal with muting vs. unfollowing?

Muting is like putting someone on a social media time-out without actually breaking up with them. You won’t see their posts anymore, but you’re still friends. Unfollowing is like ghosting them, their posts just vanish from your feed completely.

How can I not be on my phone 24/7?

Set up some social media time slots, like a little daily rendezvous with your favorite apps. If you can, unhook the apps from your phone and use them on a computer instead. And don’t forget to enjoy some IRL stuff and use your phone’s Do Not Disturb mode to keep notifications from ruining the moment.

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