Here’s a scenario that you can definitely relate to: You’re deeply engrossed in an online article or eagerly watching a video when suddenly, an ad pops up, shattering your focus. Frustrating, isn’t it?

These unexpected interruptions not only break the rhythm of your engagement but also raise concerns about how your browsing data is being used. Ads often track your online behavior, collecting data to target you more effectively. It’s a cycle that invades your privacy and disrupts your online experience.

Ads are not just annoying; they can also compromise your online privacy. This brings us to a pivotal question: Can VPNs, known for their privacy and security prowess, also block these intrusive ads?

The Ad Nuisance: A Statistical Overview

Statistic Detail Source
Percentage of Internet Users Annoyed by Social Media Ads 74% SurveyMonkey
Percent of Internet Users Worldwide Using Ad Blockers 42.7% Backlinko

These statistics highlight a growing trend of ad aversion among internet users, underscoring the need for effective ad-blocking solutions.

The core issue here is twofold: privacy invasion and disrupted user experience. Ads not only intrude on your online activities but also track your browsing habits, raising significant privacy concerns.

Do VPNs Work to Block Ads?

VPNs, primarily designed for online privacy and security, are often perceived as tools that might also block ads. It’s important to understand that their main role is to encrypt your data and conceal your IP address, creating a secure and anonymous online environment. This function is crucial in safeguarding your personal information from prying eyes and cyber threats. However, the question of whether VPNs can effectively block ads is more nuanced.

Ad-Blocking Capabilities of VPNs

While not their primary purpose, some VPNs do offer ad-blocking capabilities as an additional feature. These VPNs go beyond their standard role of encryption and IP masking to provide users with a cleaner browsing experience. They do this by integrating ad-blocking technologies within their service. This integration can filter out a variety of ads, from pop-ups to banners, reducing the amount of unwanted content that appears during your internet sessions.

However, it’s essential to recognize that the ad-blocking ability of VPNs can vary significantly. Some may offer basic ad-blocking features, which can reduce the visibility of ads to a certain extent. Others might be more advanced, capable of filtering out a wider range of ads and even blocking trackers that collect your browsing data for targeted advertising.

Despite these features, VPNs are not a complete solution for ad blocking. They might struggle to block ads that are more deeply integrated into websites or those that are served by sophisticated ad servers, such as the ones used by video streaming platforms. In these cases, ads might still appear, as they are not solely based on the user’s IP address but are also embedded in the content itself.

How to Block Ads with a VPN?

By following these steps, you can effectively navigate the online world with minimal interruptions, ensuring a cleaner and more focused internet experience.

1. Select a VPN with Ad-Blocking Features

Begin your ad-free journey by choosing a VPN that offers more than just privacy. Look for one that boasts ad-blocking capabilities. This is similar to selecting a shield in your digital arsenal, not just for defense but also for a proactive strike against ads.

2. Dive into the VPN Settings

Once your VPN is installed, navigate to its settings. Here lies the key to unleashing its ad-blocking power. Look for options or toggles labeled something similar to ‘Ad Blocker’ or ‘Content Filters’. Activating these settings is like flipping a switch that starts filtering out the digital noise, clearing your path for cleaner browsing.

3. Understand the Limitations of VPN Ad-Blocking

Be aware that while VPNs can block many ads, they might not catch them all, especially those embedded in videos or on platforms like YouTube and Twitch. It’s important to recognize that a VPN is not an all-encompassing ad blocker but rather a significant first line of defense.

4. Integrate a Dedicated Ad Blocker like Poper Blocker

For a more robust defense against ads, pair your VPN with a dedicated ad blocker. Poper Blocker specializes in targeting and eliminating various types of ads, including those that a VPN might miss. This integration ensures a more comprehensive ad-blocking strategy, enhancing your overall browsing experience.

Block ads using Poper Blocker

Poper Blocker stands out in the ad-blocking arena with features that surpass those of a typical VPN: 

  • Wide Array of Ad Blocking: Poper Blocker excels in blocking various types of ads, including pop-ups, banners, and video ads.
Wide Array of Ad Blocking options
  • Targeted Ad Elimination: Designed specifically for ad removal, this tool efficiently targets and eliminates ads directly, unlike VPNs whose primary focus is on privacy.
  • Precision in Blocking Stubborn Ads: It demonstrates superior accuracy in identifying and blocking embedded ads within websites, a task that often challenges VPNs.
Poper Blocker's extension blocking ads on
  • Enhanced Browsing Speed: By reducing the load of unwanted ad content, this blocker not only cleans your browsing space but also significantly speeds up your online experience.

5. Enjoy a Synergistic Ad-Blocking Experience

With both a VPN and Poper Blocker at your service, you’re now equipped with a dynamic duo. This combination ensures a smoother, faster, and more enjoyable browsing experience. It’s like having both a shield and a sword in your digital journey, offering protection and proactive ad elimination.

Enjoy an Ad-Free Online World

Embarking on an ad-free journey online transforms your browsing into a seamless, uninterrupted experience. Imagine clicking on a video and diving straight into the content, no pre-roll ads to skip. Picture reading an article without pop-ups obscuring your view. This isn’t just a dream; it’s a reality within reach.

By combining the strengths of a VPN with a dedicated ad blocker like Poper Blocker, you’re not just avoiding annoyance; you’re reclaiming your online space. It’s about enjoying purity in your digital interactions, where content flows uninterrupted, and your privacy remains intact. Welcome to a cleaner, faster, and more enjoyable online world.

Say goodbye to annoying ads – Install Poper Blocker today!


Do VPNs Block Personalized Ads?

While VPNs are adept at enhancing your online privacy, their ability to block personalized ads is limited. By masking your IP address, VPNs can prevent advertisers from tailoring ads based on your location. However, many ads are designed to adapt based on your browsing behavior, which VPNs do not directly influence. For a more comprehensive solution to block personalized ads, integrating a dedicated ad blocker like Poper Blocker is recommended. This tool specifically targets and blocks various forms of advertising, ensuring a more private and uninterrupted browsing experience.

Do VPNs Block YouTube Ads?

The question of whether VPNs can block YouTube ads is a common one. Generally, VPNs are not effective in blocking these types of ads because these are served directly from YouTube’s servers and are an integral part of the platform. YouTube ads are sophisticated and often bypass the traditional ad-blocking methods used by VPNs. For a more effective solution, using a specialized ad blocker that can handle the complexity of YouTube’s advertising system is advisable.

Do VPNs Block Ads on Twitch?

When it comes to Twitch, a platform known for its streaming content and accompanying ads, VPNs face a similar challenge as with YouTube. The ads on Twitch are integrated into the streams, making them difficult for VPNs to block. While a VPN can provide some level of privacy and security, it does not specifically target the ads that appear on Twitch streams. For users looking to enhance their viewing experience by eliminating these ads, turning to a dedicated ad blocker would be a more effective approach.

Do VPNs Block Viruses from Downloads?

VPNs play a crucial role in securing your online activities and protecting your data from interception. However, their primary function does not extend to scanning or protecting against viruses that may be present in downloads. While a VPN can secure your connection and keep your activities private, it is not a substitute for antivirus software. To safeguard your device from viruses, especially those that might accompany downloads, it is essential to use reliable antivirus software alongside your VPN.

Do VPNs Block iPad Ads?

Using a VPN on an iPad can offer a certain level of ad blocking, primarily by hiding your IP address and thus reducing location-based ads. However, many ads are not dependent on your IP address and will still appear. To effectively block ads on an iPad, it is advisable to use a dedicated ad blocker. These tools are designed to work seamlessly with mobile devices and browsers, providing a more comprehensive ad-blocking solution that enhances your browsing experience on the iPad.

Twitter (also known as X), a bustling hub of global conversations, can sometimes feel overwhelming with its unfiltered stream of content. Whether it’s spoilers from your favorite show, political debates, or topics that trigger discomfort, the need for a more controlled and personalized browsing experience is evident. This is where the power of muting words on Twitter comes into play.

Take a look at these alarming statistics:

Key Statistic Focus Area Source
A sharp increase in hate speech and problematic content Hate Speech New York Times
Black women are 84% more likely to be targeted in abusive tweets Online Abuse Against Women Amnesty International
Impact of alarming vs reassuring messages during COVID-19 Public Health Communication PMC – NCBI
Teens spending 5–7 hours on social media are twice as likely to have mental health problems Social Media Addiction The Lanier Law Firm
High rate of COVID-19 misinformation spread Misinformation PMC – NCBI

Why Would You Want to Mute Words on Twitter?

Twitter users often encounter unwanted content that can range from mild annoyances to deeply upsetting topics. Here are some common reasons why blocking words on Twitter is essential:

  • Adult Themes: For those who prefer a more family-friendly feed, muting adult-themed content is necessary.
  • Politics: Escaping the often polarizing world of political debates can create a more peaceful online experience.
  • Inappropriate or Offensive Content: Steering clear of content that may be disrespectful or offensive is crucial for many users.
  • Spoilers: Avoiding spoilers for movies, TV shows, or books is a top priority for many.
  • Overwhelming News: In times of crisis or overwhelming news cycles, learning how to block certain words on Twitter, or topics more specifically, can help manage anxiety.
  • Marketing Overload: Muting aggressive marketing or specific product promotions can declutter your feed.
  • Personal Triggers: Everyone has specific words or topics that can trigger negative emotions or memories.

How to Block Words on Twitter With Poper Blocker: Your Social Media Content Guardian

While Twitter offers built-in features to mute words, Poper Blocker elevates this functionality, especially for those seeking a more robust solution. Here’s how to leverage this tool:

1. Launch Poper Blocker: Begin by accessing the Poper Blocker extension, a tool designed to refine your Twitter experience.

Poper Blocker Settings

2. Activate the Feature: Within Poper Blocker, find and activate the “Hide social media posts that contain a specific word” feature.

“Hide social media posts that contain a specific word” feature

3. Customize Your Mute List: So how do you mute words on Twitter? Choose words to mute from a suggested list or add your own. The Pro version offers an unlimited word list for unparalleled control.

Customize Your Twitter Mute List

4. Transform Your Twitter Feed: With your preferences set, your Twitter feed becomes a curated space, free from unwanted content.

mute words on twitter

Seize Control of Your Twitter Feed

The dynamic world of Twitter, with each scroll bringing a new wave of information, offers the power to mute words – a feature that is truly a gateway to tranquility and relevance. By carefully selecting the words, phrases, and hashtags to mute, you transform your Twitter feed into a personalized oasis, a reflection of your interests and values.

The journey through Twitter’s vast landscape can often be overwhelming, but with tools like Poper Blocker, you’re equipped with the power of social media filtering so you can focus on what truly matters to you. Whether it’s avoiding spoilers, sidestepping political debates, or creating a safe space free from triggering content, the ability to mute words is your shield against the unwanted.

block words on twitter

So, take the reins and tailor your Twitter experience. With each word you mute, you’re not just filtering content; you’re crafting a space that speaks to you and you alone. Embrace this power, and watch as your Twitter world transforms into a realm that aligns perfectly with your unique perspective.

Read More:


How does muting words on Twitter improve my experience?

Muting specific words, phrases, or hashtags on Twitter significantly enhances your browsing experience by filtering out content that you find irrelevant, disturbing, or simply uninteresting. This feature allows you to tailor your feed to your interests and comfort, creating a more enjoyable and personalized social media environment. Whether it’s avoiding spoilers for a much-anticipated movie or steering clear of sensitive topics, muting ensures that your Twitter feed aligns with your preferences, contributing to a more positive online experience.

Can I mute phrases and hashtags on Twitter?

Absolutely! Twitter’s muting feature isn’t limited to single words. You have the flexibility to mute entire phrases and hashtags. This is particularly useful for avoiding broader topics or specific campaigns that you might not want to engage with. For instance, if a particular event or topic becomes too overwhelming or pervasive on your feed, muting its associated hashtag can provide immediate relief.

Will muting words on Twitter also affect my notifications?

Yes, when you mute words on Twitter, it not only affects your main feed but also your notifications. This means that tweets containing the muted words or phrases will not appear in your timeline or trigger notifications, providing a more serene Twitter experience and ensuring that you’re not alerted about the content you prefer to avoid.

How does Poper Blocker complement Twitter’s mute feature?

While Twitter’s mute feature offers control over your feed and notifications, Poper Blocker can provide an additional layer of customization. It allows for more nuanced control over the content you see, making your social media experience even more tailored to your preferences.

Does muting words on Twitter affect my visibility to others?

Muting words on Twitter is a personal content preference and does not impact how others view your profile or interact with your tweets. It’s a user-specific setting that alters only your feed and has no bearing on your visibility or engagement with other Twitter users. This means you can freely mute any content without worrying about altering your social media presence or interactions.

Streamline your feed – Poper Blocker mutes words on Twitter. Use it now!

Every day, millions of internet users are greeted by an all-too-familiar sight: cookie consent pop-ups. These notifications, while intended to protect privacy, often lead to frustration and a cluttered browsing experience. But what exactly are these pop-ups, and why have they become a staple of our online world?

What Are Cookie Consent Pop-Ups, and Why Do Websites Use Them?

For starters: Cookie consent pop-ups are small dialog boxes that appear on websites, asking for your permission to collect and store data. This practice stems from privacy laws like the GDPR, which mandate user consent before websites can track their online activities.

Read More: Technically Speaking: What are the Different Types of Internet Cookies?

Purpose of Cookie Consent Pop-Ups

  • Compliance with privacy laws like the GDPR.
  • Inform users about data collection practices.

Reasons for Using Cookie Consent Pop-Ups on Websites

  • Legal requirement to obtain user consent before tracking.
  • Enhance transparency about data usage and privacy.

While these pop-ups serve a crucial role in protecting privacy, they can also disrupt the user experience, leading many to seek effective cookie blockers.

The prevalence of cookie pop-ups has significantly impacted the online browsing experience: 

  • Sources like Vox highlight that these pop-ups, while intended for privacy protection, often lead to user annoyance and a worsened browsing experience due to their intrusive nature.
  • The rapid increase in these pop-ups since GDPR, as noted by WIRED UK, along with the tendency of users to quickly dismiss them (as reported by Deseret News), underscores the growing need for more user-friendly privacy notification methods.

The Ultimate Solution: Poper Blocker

Enter Poper Blocker’s extension, a Chrome cookie blocker that stands out in the realm of cookie notice blocker solutions. This powerful tool not only blocks annoying cookie pop-ups but also enhances your browsing experience by eliminating distractions. With Poper Blocker, you can navigate the web seamlessly, free from the constant barrage of cookie acceptance pop-ups.

Poper Blockers extension

How to Stop Cookie Pop-Ups with Poper Blocker

Step 1: Open the Poper Blocker Extension

Begin by launching your web browser. Click on the Poper Blocker extension icon, typically located in the upper right corner of your browser toolbar.

Poper Blocker Extension Button

Step 2: Enable the “Hide Cookie Requests” Feature

Within the extension’s interface, look for the option labeled “Hide cookie requests.” Click on this option to activate it. This action enables Poper Blocker to start filtering out cookie consent pop-ups.

Hide cookie requests

Step 3: Start Browsing Without Annoying Cookie Pop-Ups

With the “Hide cookie requests” feature now active, you can navigate the web seamlessly. Enjoy a cleaner, uninterrupted browsing experience as the tool efficiently blocks those pesky cookie consent notifications.

“Hide cookie requests” feature active

Will Blocking Cookie Pop-Ups Impact the Sites You Use, or Your Experience on Those Websites?

Poper Blocker offers a nuanced approach to cookie blocking. By giving you control over which cookies to block, it ensures that your online experience remains smooth and uninterrupted, while still respecting your privacy preferences.

Say Goodbye to Annoying Pop-Ups with Poper Blocker – Get It Now!

Embrace a Cookie-Free Browsing Experience

Cookie pop-ups have become more than just a minor annoyance; they are a recurring obstacle to seamless web navigation. This is where Poper Blocker shines as a pivotal tool, transforming our interaction with the web. Its ability to block cookie pop-ups in Chrome, Edge and other browsers makes it an invaluable tool for anyone seeking a more streamlined and enjoyable online experience.

Cookie request blocked

As we wrap up, remember that the power to shape your online experience is in your hands. With tools like Poper Blocker, you’re not just avoiding a nuisance; you’re enhancing your digital journey, making every online session more productive and enjoyable.

So, why wait? Step into a cleaner, more focused browsing world. Give Poper Blocker a try and experience the difference for yourself. The web is vast and full of wonders; explore it on your terms.

Enhance Your Web Experience – Block Cookies Easily with Poper Blocker!


What Exactly Does Poper Blocker Do?

Poper Blocker is a specialized tool designed to enhance your online experience by efficiently blocking any cookie consent popup. These pop-ups, which are requests from websites to store data on your device, can often be intrusive and disrupt your browsing. Poper Blocker identifies and suppresses these pop-ups, allowing for a smoother, more uninterrupted browsing experience. It’s particularly effective on Chrome, where it seamlessly integrates to provide a clutter-free web experience.

Is It Legal to Block Cookie Pop-Ups?

Yes, using tools like Poper Blocker to block cookie pop-ups is legal. These tools are designed to give users more control over their online experience and privacy. While websites are required to ask for consent to track user data, users are equally entitled to use tools to manage or refuse these requests. However, it’s important to note that blocking cookies might affect the functionality of some websites, as they rely on cookies for essential features.

Can Poper Blocker Be Customized According to Individual Preferences?

Absolutely! One of the standout features of Poper Blocker is its customizable nature. Users have the flexibility to adjust their settings according to their preferences. This means you can choose to block all cookie pop-ups or allow some based on your browsing habits and privacy concerns. This level of customization ensures that your online experience is tailored to your needs, balancing convenience and privacy.

Will Blocking Cookies Affect Website Functionality and User Experience?

Blocking cookies can sometimes impact the functionality of websites. Cookies are often used to remember login details, personalize web content, and ensure the smooth operation of online shopping carts. When these are blocked, you might find that some websites require manual login each time, or personalized settings are not saved. However, Poper Blocker’s nuanced approach allows you to block only the intrusive or non-essential cookies, thereby minimizing any negative impact on your browsing experience.

Is Poper Blocker Free to Use, and Where Can It Be Downloaded?

Yes, Poper Blocker is free to use, making it an accessible option for anyone looking to enhance their web browsing experience. It can be easily downloaded and added as an extension in web browsers, particularly Chrome. To download, simply visit the Poper Blocker website or the extension section of your web browser and follow the straightforward installation process. This accessibility ensures that more users can enjoy an uninterrupted browsing experience without the hassle of constant cookie consent pop-ups.

Have you ever been immersed in an online article, only to be jolted out of your concentration by a sudden video ad? It’s a common frustration shared by many internet users today. Video ads, while a crucial part of the digital marketing ecosystem, can often be intrusive and disruptive to our online experience.

Why Should You Block Video Ads?

Video ads are more than just a minor annoyance; they can significantly hinder our online experience. They consume valuable data, slow down page loading times, and can be particularly intrusive when they play sound automatically. Blocking these ads isn’t just about avoiding irritation; it’s about reclaiming control over your digital environment.

The staggering reach of online videos, with 92.3% of internet users worldwide engaged, underscores the pervasive nature of video content, including ads. However, this extensive engagement, coupled with the fact that people are spending an average of 17 hours per week watching online videos, can lead to a saturation point where video ads become more annoying and disruptive.

This overexposure to video content, especially ads, risks overwhelming users, potentially leading to ad fatigue and a negative user experience.

What Built-in Options Do Browsers Have to Block Video Ads?

The good news is that major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge have stepped up to offer built-in options for blocking video ads. These features are designed to enhance user experience by providing more control over content visibility and reducing unwanted interruptions.

Let’s dive into how each of these popular browsers equips you with the tools in order to have a smoother, ad-free online journey:

Google Chrome: Built-in Tools for a Cleaner Browsing Experience

Google’s Chrome offers several built-in features to block video ads. Users can mute individual tabs or adjust site settings to prevent autoplay videos. However, these solutions sometimes require manual intervention for each site, which can be time-consuming.

Mozilla Firefox: A User-Friendly Approach to Ad Blocking

Firefox provides an intuitive interface for blocking autoplay videos. Through its settings, users can easily control autoplay permissions, offering a more seamless way to manage video ads. Firefox’s focus on user privacy and control makes it a strong contender in the ad-blocking arena.

Apple Safari: Streamlined Ad Blocking for Mac Users

Safari’s approach on how to block video ads is straightforward and effective. Users can mute tabs or adjust autoplay settings in the Preferences menu. Safari’s integration with macOS also ensures a smoother ad-blocking experience for Apple enthusiasts.

Microsoft Edge: The New Contender in Ad Blocking

Edge has made significant strides in offering user-friendly ad-blocking features. Its settings allow users to limit or disable autoplay videos, providing a more pleasant browsing experience, especially for Windows users.

Poper Blocker: The Ultimate Solution to Stop Video Ads

The Poper Blocker extension seamlessly integrates with your browser, offering an effortless way to block video ads. It enhances your browsing experience by eliminating disruptive advertisements, ensuring a more streamlined and uninterrupted online experience across a wide range of websites.

Poper Blocker Features

How to Stop Video Ads with Poper Blocker

Poper Blocker stands out as a comprehensive solution for blocking video ads across these browsers. Its ability to remove sponsored content on social media platforms and also hide ads on YouTube videos makes it a versatile tool for a distraction-free online experience.

Stop Video Ads with Poper Blocker

The Benefits of Using Poper Blocker

  • Effortless Integration: Poper Blocker easily integrates with your browser, providing a hassle-free setup.
  • Comprehensive Ad Blocking: It effectively blocks video ads across various platforms.
  • Enhanced Browsing Experience: This tool effectively targets and removes ads from various websites, ensuring a smoother and more uninterrupted browsing experience.

Reduced Online Distractions: By eliminating frequent ad interruptions across different websites, Poper Blocker helps users stay focused on the content, enhancing productivity and the overall quality of their online activities.

Embrace a Cleaner, Faster, and More Enjoyable Online Experience

The power to control what you see and how you interact with content is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced online environment. Video ads, while a part of the online landscape, don’t have to be a disruptive element in your browsing experience. 

By embracing ad-blocking solutions like Poper Blocker, you’re not just avoiding unwanted interruptions; you’re crafting a more personalized and efficient online journey. This tool doesn’t just remove distractions; it enhances your engagement with the content that truly matters to you.

Using Poper Blocker to Block video ads on a specific website

Imagine a world where every online session is smooth, uninterrupted, and tailored to your preferences. That’s the reality Poper Blocker offers. It’s not just about blocking unwanted content; it’s about reclaiming your time and attention for a more enjoyable online experience.

Remember that your browsing experience is yours to shape. With tools like Poper Blocker, you’re equipped to make every online interaction more meaningful and rewarding. Embrace this change and experience the web like never before!

Upgrade to an ad-free browsing experience with Poper Blocker – Download here!


What are the benefits of blocking video ads?

A video ad block significantly enhances your online experience. It reduces page loading times, saves bandwidth, and eliminates the annoyance of unexpected audio and video interruptions. This leads to a more focused and enjoyable browsing session, especially when reading content or watching videos online.

Can blocking video ads improve browser performance?

Yes, blocking video ads can positively impact browser performance. Video ads consume additional resources, including CPU and memory, which can slow down your browser. By blocking these ads, you free up these resources, resulting in faster browsing and more efficient device performance.

Is it legal to block video ads?

Absolutely. Blocking video ads is a legal practice. It’s a user’s choice to control what content they want to see on their browsers. A video adblocker like Poper Blocker simply provides a tool to filter out content that users prefer not to see, such as intrusive video ads.

Will websites know if I’m using a video ad remover?

Some websites can detect the presence of ad blockers and may request that you disable them to access their content. This is because many websites rely on ad revenue. However, advanced ad blockers like Poper Blocker are designed to be discreet, minimizing the chances of detection.

How does Poper Blocker differ from other ad-blocking tools?

Poper Blocker stands out due to its user-friendly interface and effectiveness in blocking a wide range of ads. It’s designed to offer a more comprehensive ad-blocking experience, removing not just video ads but also pop-ups and sponsored content on social media platforms. Its seamless integration with various browsers makes it a convenient choice for users seeking a distraction-free online experience.

Are you getting irritated by constant ad pop-ups interrupting your web browsing experience? Do you find your internet browsing slowing down? Are you worried about inappropriate adult content popping up on your screen? These are all common examples of inappropriate or irritating ads interfering with your internet browsing experience. There are many advantages to having an ad blocker when surfing the web and minimal disadvantages. Here you will learn all about these pros, how they outweigh the cons, what an ad blocker is and how it works, as well as the ways in which they secure you, your personal information, and your web browsing experience. Continue reading to learn all about why you should use an ad blocker and how Poper Blocker can help.

What are Ad Blockers, and How do they Work?

Ad blockers are important software devices used to enhance your browsing experience by eliminating dangerous, irritating, or irrelevant advertisements from appearing on your web browser when you are surfing the web. They serve people for many different functions, but the most popular is to ensure safety and privacy. Ad blockers are designed to block all forms of ads but the most common are malvertising, pop-up ads, banner ads, video ads, and social media ads. 

To understand how ad blockers work from not a tech-savvy perspective, we will simplify the explanation here. The most optimal ad blockers are designed to scan websites for intrusive ads, identify these ads, and block them from appearing on websites before the user has entered the web page. When ad blockers are scanning websites, they are filtering through the site’s content and advertisement scripts. When ad blockers identify an ad script they then can instantly block it from appearing on the website you’re browsing.

Benefits of Using an Ad Blocker

Benefit #1 – Security & Privacy

Ad blockers are advantageous for various reasons but arguably the most beneficial and important is for your security and privacy when browsing the web. Cybercriminals are becoming more and more crafty at spreading fraudulent and dangerous malware across the web. Malvertising is one of their popular tactics that target you by hiding scams and malware in ads on trusted websites. If you accidentally fall for a malvertisement on your personal device, your information and privacy are at great risk.

Ad blockers are designed to identify malvertisements and block them from your webpage so that you are unable to view its contents and potentially fall victim to a cyberattack. 

Benefit #2 – Block Distractions

Ad blockers are also beneficial because they eliminate potential distractions. For example, let’s say you are surfing the web for articles, trying to get work done for school or a job, and shopping ads keep appearing on websites. The ads are too tempting to ignore, and you may find yourself going down a hole in online shopping instead of completing the task at hand. Ad blockers are very useful in these situations because they remove these distracting ads from the users’ view so that there aren’t any temptations and divulgence, to begin with.

Benefit #3 – Children’s Safety

A huge benefit of ad blockers is their ability to block inappropriate or dangerous content from children as they surf the web. The internet is filled with adult-rated content that you would not want a child to see. Some ad blockers have a feature where you can specifically manually block all adult content. Children are also easy targets for cybercriminals because of their youth and naivety. Ad blockers can help parents sleep better at night knowing that as their child is playing games online, they won’t accidentally click on some malware ad or come across adult content. 

Benefit #4 – Quicker and Better Internet Browsing

Lastly, ad blockers are also very beneficial for enhancing and speeding up your internet browsing experience. They have the ability to make your online browsing seamless because they block intrusive ads that delay your internet speed. As web pages load, if they have many ads attached to them, they must load as well. This causes your browser to take longer to load because it is no longer just the webpage you’re visiting or you are waiting to load, it is all the baggage that comes with it. Since ad blockers identify and block these ads before entering the webpage, they don’t delay your internet speed because they aren’t being loaded. This also helps save your device’s battery life because these external ads are not loading onto your browser and making your device work longer and harder for the same webpage. 

Should You Use an Ad Blocker?

The simple answer is yes! Ad blockers were created to ensure online security and privacy, as well as a seamless web browsing experience. The pros for sure outweigh the cons. The cons of an ad blocker do not threaten your safety and privacy, whereas the pros ensure both from happening. The only legitimate ad blocker con is that some of the ads being blocked might be applicable and beneficial to you, that’s it!

Ad blockers are becoming more and more popular as cybercrime is growing at an exponential rate. The article Even the FBI says you should use an ad blocker discussed how the FBI highly recommends that web users download ad blocker extensions to protect their personal information and devices from becoming vulnerable to cyberattacks. The FBI stated how cybercriminals have focused their attention on hiding scams and fraudulent activity in advertisement posts. They also noted that these criminals create scams that impersonate extensions and apps so web users unknowingly download malware onto their devices. The uproar of cybercrime alone should be enough of a reason to use an ad blocker.

How to block ads with Poper Blocker

The first step is installing Poper Blocker to Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (depending on your browser). Under the extension icon, pin Poper Blocker to have its icon appear on your browser.

Poper Blocker will automatically block pop-ups and advanced pop-ups from any website you visit. These features are great for improving your browser’s speed and performance as well as blocking online distractions

Upgrade to Poper Blocker Pro to access all the features that protect your security and privacy. Poper Blocker Pro enables you to hide cookie requests, block ads on social media, and block ads on any site. Under the Poper Blocker icon, manually activate these features to improve your browsing experience. 
Hiding cookie requests grants you security and privacy as you visit web pages. Cookies is a web tool that tracks and saves your behavior on a website which compromises your privacy. 

Read More – Technically Speaking: What are the Different Types of Internet Cookies?

Blocking intrusive ads on social media and websites is an important feature that improves many aspects of your online experience. Both of these features improve web browsing speed and performance because your browser will not have to load multiple additional ads when uploading a page. These features improve your security as they remove malware ads that can infect your device by spreading viruses. They implement privacy by removing phishing ads that attempt to steal web user’s personal information, money, and device information. Both features protect children from inappropriate content and dangerous false advertisements because these types of ads will be hidden from children as they surf the web.

Lastly, blocking ads on social media and websites also blocks users from distractions such as online shopping or games. 


Ad blockers give web users the ability to control what they see when surfing the web. They enable users to block malware and phishing ads, protect children from dangerous or inappropriate ads, remove unnecessary distractions, and ameliorate browser speed and performance. Take control of your browsing experience and download Poper Blocker today!

Do you often have notifications appear when you visit a website asking if you would like to accept cookies and you have no clue what that means? Don’t worry, most people don’t fully understand what they’re agreeing to when they accept cookies on a webpage. In the United States, it was found that 49% of people only somewhat understand what internet cookies are and 24% of people don’t understand what they are at all. In this article, we’re going to get into all things cookies to educate people on what they’re giving permission to when they accept cookies on a website. Here we will give the full rundown explaining all the types of internet cookies, if they’re dangerous, and how you can avoid receiving a cookie notification when you browse the web. 

internet cookie

What are internet cookies?

Internet cookies collect data on your online activity as you navigate a website and then store it for future purposes when you revisit the website. They essentially track and collect your online behavior to improve your browsing experience in a variety of ways, making your online life and website owners’ online jobs easier. Internet cookies accumulate different types of information like your online preferences, login information, and browsing history. Let’s dive deeper into the different types of data collected.

Cookies collect all sorts of online preferences. For example, when you are online shopping at, the items you add to your cart (even if you don’t purchase all of them) are recorded, stored, and remembered by internet cookies. So, if you add those popular LED string lights to your shopping cart but exit the page without purchasing them, the next time you browse Amazon, cookies will remember and tell Amazon about your interest in this product, and Amazon will display LED lights while you browse the site.  

You know when you visit a website and your account information automatically fills into the username and password fields? The website remembers your login information because of internet cookies. When you visit a website and give permission to cookies to collect and save your login credentials, this website is able to retrieve this information in the future when you revisit the page. So, the next time your login information automatically appears upon entering a website, it comes from cookies data.

Do you ever wonder why flight prices jump within days or even hours after searching for flights for your summer vacation? It’s not just because the demand for flights to your destination skyrocketed in the last 12 hours, 4 months before the dates of your trip. It’s likely because cookies were tracking your browsing history when you searched for flights to Italy. Thus, when you revisited the website, internet cookies shared your browsing interests with the airline company, so they increased the price. How annoying is that, right? As you can see, for better or for worse, there is a lot of different information internet cookies collect. If you feel as though it is an invasion of privacy, would like to remain more anonymous to websites, or want to limit price increases based on your browsing history, there are ways for you to avoid tracking and delete cookies notifications from your browser. Continue reading to learn all about the types of cookies to look out for and how to take control of internet cookies that currently are controlling your browsing.

Illustration: People with Cookie

What are the Different Types of Web Cookies?

There are multiple types of internet cookies that exist for different purposes, collecting different types of data. The most common types of web cookies are session cookies, persistent cookies, first-party cookies, third-party cookies, and flash cookies. Follow along to learn about how these types of website cookies work.

Session Cookies

Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on a person’s computer for the duration of their visit to a website. This type of web cookie allows websites to remember information about a person’s activity during their session and is typically deleted when the browser is closed. 

Online shopping websites use session cookies to retain essential information like what you have added to your shopping cart. Without session cookies, your cart would clear each time you visit another page on an e-commerce website. Thus, session cookies enable you to have your cart filled with all the products you would like to purchase when you visit the checkout page.

The main features of Session Cookies:

  • Allows you to use websites
  • Enable websites to remember visitors for a short period of time (one session)
  • Anonymous browsing sessions can become personalized sessions after registration
  • Required to make e-commerce sites effective

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies are longer-lasting files that are stored on your computer for an extended period. These cookies allow websites to remember information about a person’s activity over multiple sessions and can be used to store data like language preferences or login information.

Have you ever been browsing on your Facebook account, then closed your browser, left your computer for 10 minutes, then went back onto your browser to check Facebook and you are still logged in? That happens because of persistent cookies. Your login information and activity on Facebook was stored by persistent cookies on your computer for an extended period of time (10 minutes) which enabled you to still be logged into Facebook when you revisited the site once time passed.

The main features of Persistent Cookies:

  • Allow websites to remember information about your activity over multiple sessions
  • Stores your personal preferences, bookmarks, or login information 
  • Stored on your hard drive 
  • Accessible by the website that created them and other websites that have been authorized to access them

First-Party Cookies

First-party cookies help website owners understand how you navigate their site and what preferences you like to help improve the site features. They are created by a single website and are only accessible by this site. This type of browser cookie is the long-term memory of a specific website you visit, keeping data for a year or more. It stores specific information relevant to you and the website to improve and maximize your experience on this site. First-party cookies collect information like your settings, key identifications, or data analytics.

The main features of First-Party Cookies:

  • First-party cookies are created by the website that a person is visiting 
  • Websites can use these cookies to remember a user’s preferences or keep them logged in to the website 
  • First-party cookies are typically stored on the computer’s hard drive and can only be accessed by the website that created them

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies are external sites that track your online behavior, interests, and preferences on a website you visit and sell it to advertisers or other website owners. Advertisers and website owners use these types of web cookies to implement targeted advertising based on your browsing history, activity, and behavior. 

Are you ever concerned that your phone is listening to you? It’s not, that’s just third-party cookies. Let’s say you really want a fresh pair of Nike runners and you can’t stop talking about it or looking them up on Nike’s website, and all of a sudden Nike runner advertisements are everywhere! You see Nike runners on Instagram story ads, and side advertisements on blog websites, and as you scroll your Facebook feed – these Nike runners are everywhere. Third-party cookies are embedded all over the internet and track your online interests and behaviors so if you Google search “Nike Runners”, third-party cookies will collect and store that data and sell it to websites that will display Nike runners ads, so you see them everywhere you go on the web. 

The main features of Third-Party Cookies:

  • They are generally known as tracking cookies.
  • Track your personal data as you enter multiple sites
  • Redirect you to sites that sell items that align with your interests
  • Create custom advertisements for your interests
  • Third-party cookies give internet cookies a bad reputation 
  • Sites that created third-party cookies sell various types of user data to advertisers

Flash Cookies

Flash Cookies (also known as Local Shared Objects) are files that are stored on the personal computer by Adobe Flash Player. These files can be used to save game progress or remember playback settings for videos.

The main features of Flash Cookies: 

  • They are typically used in videos and web ads.
  • Flash Cookies are also known as Local Shared Objects. They are files stored on a private computer by Adobe Flash Player. 
  • These files can be used to save game progress or remember playback settings for videos. 
  • Flash cookies are typically stored on a computer hard drive and can be accessed by both the website that created them and any other websites that have been authorized to access them. 
  • Thanks to respawning, Flash cookies are not deleted when you delete your browser’s HTTP cookies. This process of cross-browser tracking raises privacy concerns. 

Should I Block Internet Cookies?

Do you want online anonymity? Would you like your online behaviors and interests to be private? If the answer is yes, then you should block internet cookies. To an extent, internet cookies are important because they make your online life and website owners’ lives easier. On the other hand, internet cookies can be very invasive, tracking your every online move, and leaving you with no privacy. Some believe cookies are necessary for providing personalized content and experiences and that they are not generally used to collect sensitive information, but many types of cookies (like third-party cookies) don’t play within those boundaries, they’re invasive; collecting sensitive information that does not benefit your online browsing experience.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether you’re comfortable with the different types of cookies tracking your online behavior. You need to ask yourself “Does it bother me that my online behavior is being collected and stored?”, “Do I feel like cookies are invading my privacy?”, “Do I feel that I experience the benefits of website cookies based on the data they collect from me?”. Based on your answers, continue reading to learn how to restrict, remove, and block web cookies.

Ways to Delete Internet Cookies

Poper Blocker blocked over 200K Cookie Popups

There are several ways to remove current internet cookies that have already been stored on your browser and block cookies from being stored in the future. Some browsers have privacy tools like incognito mode that allows you to browse the web without storing any cookies. Additionally, there are a number of third-party programs that sites use to manage cookies. 

A third-party extension that blocks cookies from collecting your data is Poper Blocker. Poper Blocker maintains your online integrity by enabling you to block all sorts of notifications and ads from your browser including cookie requests. This ad-blocking tool prevents your online behavior and information from being stored by denying permission for websites to collect cookies. Poper Blocker blocks all types of cookies so you do not have to worry about any cookie type from tracking your. To activate the “hide cookies request” tool with Poper Blocker, follow the steps below:

Using Poper Blocker is easy. To start, download the extension onto your browser.

  • Click on the puzzle piece icon in the top right corner of your browser (this is the extensions icon)
Extension toolbar on Chrome
  • Find and click the pin on the right side of the Poper Blocker extension 
  • Now the Poper Icon will appear on the top right side of your browser beside the Chrome extensions icon
  • Click on the Poper Blocker icon
  • Look for and select Hide Cookie Requests
Hide cookie requests

In addition to Poper Blockers removing cookie requests from your browser, it is beneficial for multiple other reasons. Poper Blocker gives you control over what you want to see when you surf the web. For example, ad blockers like Poper Blocker enable you to block overlays and pop-ups that appear on websites and try to distract you, obtain your information, or track your online activity. 

Read more:

Stop Internet Cookies from Tracking you

If Internet cookies aren’t removed from your browser, they remain stored, and all data can be read by the website you’re visiting. It’s a double-edged sword: cookies make it easy to log in to websites next time around (since data is stored), but your browsing activity is also tracked by advertisers and occasionally by third parties with ill intent. Out of all the different types of internet cookies, third-party cookies are the most invasive and non-essential. Did you know that 60% of cookies are third-party cookies? These types of web cookies have an abundant presence on the internet and live off your private information for their benefit. Fortunately for you, tools like Poper Blocker allow you to block all types of cookie notifications including third-party cookies. Keep your online behavior, information, and interests confidential by blocking cookie requests with Poper Blocker.


How many types of internet cookies are there?

There are many types of internet cookies with different motives, functions, and purposes. The most common types of web cookies are session cookies, persistent cookies, first-party cookies, and third-party cookies.

What are the different types of internet cookies?

There are various web cookie types. Session cookies, persistent cookies, first-party cookies, and third-party cookies are the most common. There are many other types of cookies that aren’t as popular as zombie cookies and flash cookies.

How do I block internet cookies?

You can block internet cookies in various ways. Your browser’s settings will have a tool that enables you to clear all cookies storage on your device so that the “memory system” of cookies on your browser has been wiped. A very efficient way to block internet cookies is by downloading a blocking extension like Poper Blocker that hides all cookie requests from your browser so that cookies aren’t able to ask you for permission to track your data.

Isn’t unlimited, disruption-free streaming just the best? There’s nothing like a movie streaming session, binging your favorite shows, or playing your most loved music without interruption. Sometimes it can be just what we need to improve our day. In fact, in 2022,the global average of streaming online videos is 19 hours a week. It’s safe to say we are a society that loves to stream! And with more and more streaming services developing and growing, unfortunately, intrusive pop-up ads will appear more often, disrupting your once-was ad-free service. Luckily, there are some tools and tips you can use to block pop-ups from movie sites. Here’s how you can have a pop-up free streaming experience and enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows without disruption.

Streaming Online

What are pop-ups?

You probably have come across some form of a pop-up today. These online distractions are so common that you will come across 4,000 to 10,000 ads a day. Pop-up ads serve as a type of interactive online advertising tool that can be triggered by just about anything. Whether you’re visiting a page, moving your mouse to exit a page, or hovering your mouse over the ad, can all trigger a pop-up to appear.

There are a few types of pop-up ads; some are more noticeable and some are more hidden from plain sight. Pop-unders and overlays are mischievous types of pop-up ads. They tend to hide and linger behind or on the sides of your current open browser and appear only after every window and tab has been closed. Overlay pop-ups typically appear on the top or bottom of a page or video you are viewing. They’re easy to navigate and close but they still can take away from your overall experience. Pop-unders appear behind the windows and tabs you are visiting, making them more sneaky to notice. Regardless of where they appear, they affect your online streaming experience by reducing play speed and causing your browser to take longer to load. Not to worry, because there are tools in place to help navigate how to block pop-ups on streaming sites. Follow along to learn about it.

Streaming Pop-ups

How to prevent pop-up ads while streaming movies online

  1. Utilize browser settings

A helpful way to block pop-ups on streaming sites is by enabling the blocking pop-up option in your browser’s settings. Follow the steps below to activate this feature in Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge:



Microsoft Edge

Utilizing browser settings to block pop-ups from movie sites is effective for removing some of the pop-ups but if you would like to eliminate all ad disruptions while streaming online, continue reading to learn the best tips.

  1. Installing a pop-up blocker

The best way to remove pop-up ads is by installing a pop-up blocker onto your device. These blockers are very effective because their entire role is removing ads from your browser, thus they tend to work better than simply utilizing browser settings. Pop-up blockers close the pop-up as soon as it’s loaded and shown on your browser and they disable the command that triggers the site’s pop-up window. 

A popular and trusted pop-up blocker is Poper Blocker. It blocks not only pop-up ads but pop-unders and overlays, as well as removing other ads from appearing and disrupting your digital experience. It is very beneficial to use a tool like Poper blocker because not only will it remove pop-ups while you stream online, but it will block all ads and pop-ups that you encounter anywhere on the internet. Whether you’re watching videos on Amazon Prime, scrolling on social media, or browsing any website, Popper Blocker has your back. 

To download Poper onto your Chrome browser, click “Add to Chrome” in the top right corner of the Poper Blocker Chrome web store page. This will start the installation process which should take no longer than a couple of seconds.

Using Poper Blocker is easy. To start, look for the small puzzle-piece icon on the top right corner of the screen, this is the extension’s icon.

Extension toolbar on Chrome

If the extensions icon does not appear on your Chrome Browser you can add it by doing the following:

Once Poper Blocker appears under the extension bar of your Chrome Browser, you can access the pop-up blocking tool for video streaming platforms by following the steps below:

Hide cookie requests

Read about our step-by-step guide on how to navigate Poper and all the benefits it will bring into your life.

2. Deny permission to pop-ups

As we said earlier, pop-ups can be mischievous and sneaky. They can mislead you into accidentally allowing permission to receive future additional pop-ups when you visit certain web pages. For example, when you visit Hayu, you encounter a pop-up for enabling or disabling notifications from Hayu. This might appear to be harmless because you want the latest updates and information about one of your favorite streaming services, but in reality, you are granting permission to pop-up advertisements that appear in the form of notifications. If you allow this, every time you stream on Hayu you will encounter pop-ups that disrupt your video streaming experience. Deny all permissions to pop-ups on streaming websites you use.

3. Use a recommended streaming service

A great way to block pop-ups on movie websites is by using popular and recommended streaming services. There are many free online video streaming services that offer all your favorite shows and movies, but what they don’t offer is a pop-up-free experience. For example, Movies123, Putlocker, and Tubi are all free streaming services that have a wide selection but are unreliable and contain many pop-ups. Avoid using these websites, and invest in a quality movie streaming platform. Instead, subscribe to websites like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ to get the best experience while watching movies. These platforms are much more reliable and better quality than free websites.

Wrapping up

Everyone loves to relax and stream their favorite shows and movies online, but everyone hates being interrupted by pop-up ads. As we discussed, there are helpful ways to block pop-ups while streaming online. The most effective way is downloading a pop-up blocker onto your browser such as Poper Blocker. Poper Blocker takes care of disruptive pop-ups so you don’t have to! Start enjoying your video streaming websites pop-up free with Poper Blocker.


How to block pop-ups while streaming online?

You can remove pop-ups from disrupting your online streaming experience by downloading a pop-up blocker. Poper Blocker is a reputable ad blocker extension that has the tools to remove all pop-ups from appearing as you surf the web. One of their features enables you to stream movies online without pop-up disruptions.

How to remove pop-ups from movie websites with an ad blocker?

You can remove pop-ups from movie sites with an ad blocker like Poper Blocker. Poper blocker blocks pop-ups from appearing while you stream movies by enabling the “block basic pop-ups” and “block advanced pop-ups”

Do you find that Chrome notifications interfere with your browsing experience? Not to worry, there are multiple solutions for you! Irritating notifications can be easily disabled with just a few clicks. Continue reading below to learn a step-by-step guide on how to block notifications on Chrome.

Block notifications

Why Are Chrome Notifications Bad?

Chrome notifications are considered a form of spam. They can drain your device’s central processing unit (CPU) by forcing your browser to upload and stream unnecessary links and ads that you aren’t interested in seeing. The impact it has on your device’s CPU causes your online browsing to slow down and be less efficient. Often the notifications are trying to gain access to your online behavior by getting you to accept cookies on your browser. Responding to some notifications can result in malware infecting your device. 

The different types of Chrome notifications vary based on the different websites you visit and what information they are trying to collect from you. The notifications you come across may ask for things such as your location, joining a mailing list, by accepting cookies or viewing a video advertisement. These notifications appear on all areas of the website: the bottom corners, the top or sides of the webpage, right in the middle blocking the site, or even behind the page you’re visiting. They are intrusive, repetitive, and annoying.

Chrome notifications
Notifications on Chrome

A reliable and safe tip to avoid notifications on Chrome is to disable notifications through Chrome’s settings and download a trusted blocking extension that removes intrusive pop-ups and improves your browsing. Follow along to learn the best tips to block notifications on Chrome and improve your online experience.

How to Block Notifications from Within Chrome

Remove chrome notifications

Chrome’s settings offer tools that disable notifications while you search the web. Here are the steps to blocking notifications:

How to block notifications from within Chrome

How to Block Chrome Notifications on Android

Turning off Chrome notifications is easy on your Android device as well. it’s quite similar to how you disable notifications through Chrome settings. Here are the steps:

Block Notifications on iOS

Blocking Chrome notifications on iOS can be achieved as follows:

It’s as quick and simple as that. By enabling the functions for blocking notifications and pop-ups through Chrome’s settings you will experience fewer notifications as you surf the web.

Using a Pop-Up Blocker to Block Notifications on Chrome

Block Chrome notifications

Chrome’s settings features are great for limiting the amount of notifications you encounter, but additional tools are very advantageous for ensuring all the notifications are blocked from your browser. There’s no harm in using a pop-up blocker extension simultaneously with Chrome’s settings – it’s providing a double filter to keep notifications out of your browser. So let’s explore effective third-party Chrome notification blockers to further improve your online experience.

Arguably the most effective way to block notifications on Chrome is by downloading a pop-up blocker such as Poper Blocker. The Poper Blocker extension has features designed to stop notifications from appearing as you visit websites. By enabling and disabling the different blocking features, you have full control over which types of pop-ups, notifications, and ads you wish to see or be blocked.

Here’s how to block notifications on Chrome with Poper Blocker:

Block notifications on Chrome with Poper Blocker

Extensions work harder and are more effective than built-in browser settings. They also give you more control over what you want to be blocked and what you wish to still appear. For example, you may be happy for some specific websites to send you notifications but in general, you wish to have most websites notifications blocked. Using an extension like Poper Blocker will allow you to whitelist websites from which you wish to receive notifications.

Here’s how to create a whitelist with Poper Blocker:

Website whitelist feature with Poper Blocker

Block Cookie Notifications

When you visit a website, you have probably come across notifications asking you to accept cookies. If you accept cookies, you are giving cookie script access to your device so that it can track and save your behavior on that specific site. So when you return to that website in the future, the cookies script will have your preferences saved and the website will tailor what it shows you based on these preferences.

To avoid cookie notifications, Poper Blocker has a reliable feature that does the trick to hide all cookies. Deleting cookies from your browser is so effortless and easy with Poper Blocker, all you have to do is enable hide cookie requests under the Poper Blocker extensions icon in the top right corner of your Chrome browser.

Hide cookie request with Poper Blocker

Block Auto-Playing Videos

Auto-play videos are startling, irritating, and irrelevant to you as you browse the web. Have you ever visited a website and all of a sudden an auto-playing video appears in the corner and the disruptive sound and content startle you and impact your experience on the website? It’s very common and can be very frustrating and intrusive. There are ways to automatically remove auto-playing videos from popping up on your browser. Poper Blocker is coming out with a feature that blocks auto-play videos from running when you visit websites. To activate and utilize this feature, you will follow similar steps as listed above for activating other Poper Blocker features. Stay tuned for the release of the block auto-play videos feature!

Wrapping Up

There are various types of notifications that appear and disrupt your browsing experience as you surf the web on Google Chrome. Luckily, there are useful tools in Chrome’s settings that limit the amount of notification pop-ups you see and there are also amazing third-party tools that block the additional notifications that Chrome’s tools miss. Poper Blocker is a reliable and helpful extension that will ensure all the notifications you wish to block on Chrome will be hidden, including cookies notifications, and in the near future, auto-play videos as well. Simplify your online experience and hide annoying notifications on Chrome today!

Read More – How to Block Ads on Chrome: Effective Strategies


How do I stop unwanted Chrome notifications?

You can block notifications on Chrome by downloading a pop-up blocker extension such as Poper Blocker. 

How do I block notifications with Chrome’s Settings?

You can block notifications with Chrome’s settings by clicking Menu (three-dot icon) > Settings > Privacy & Security > Site Settings > Notifications > Don’t allow to send notifications.

How do I turn off Chrome notifications on Android?

You can block Chrome notifications on an Android device by clicking Menu (three-dot icon) > Settings > Privacy & Security > Site Settings > Notifications > Don’t allow to send notifications.

How do I block cookie notifications?

You can block cookie notifications by downloading a trusted extension onto your Chrome browser like Poper Blocker. Poper Blocker has a feature that allows you to hide cookie notifications from appearing on websites.

If you want to know how to delete cookies, look no further. Cookies were once lovingly thought of as a delicious albeit naughty snack to have with your coffee. These days, cookies are associated with annoying pop-ups and irritating extra clicks that get in the way of our browsing online. Cookies are everywhere, on all websites and they are constantly asking for permission, asking for acceptance and they won’t close until you interact.

How to Manually Delete Cookies on Your Browser?

delete cookies

Follow these simple steps to delete cookies when using Chrome on a desktop.

You have the option to select the period you’d like to remove the cookies from. ‘All Time’ is a good option to choose.

From the clear browsing data menu, you can choose to clear the data from cookies, other site data, browsing history, download history, cached images, and files as well as passwords and other data. To have cookie control we recommend selecting the ‘Cookies and Other Site Data’ option.

Take Cookie Control in Chrome

The top search bar on Chrome is known as the Omnibox. This bar allows you to search online and to search within Chrome itself. By typing chrome://settings/content/cookies into the Omnibox you can easily manage your cookies. Simply select ‘Security and Privacy’ on the right-hand side of the window that opens. Here you can select ‘Cookies and Other Site Data’ and clear all the data, same as the method above.

Select the arrow opposite ‘Cookies and Other Site Data’ to customize your default preferences. Here you can choose to allow all cookies, block third-party cookies, and even block all cookies. We recommend blocking all cookies but adding the websites you often use to the allowed list. This will stop you from having to remember all your usernames and passwords each time you visit your favorite or most frequently used websites.

Remove Cookies on Firefox

You can remove cookies on Firefox comparably to Chrome. Select the hamburger stack on the Firefox browser and click Options followed by Privacy and Security. You’ll see Cookies and Site Data appear, here you can remove all the cookies on Firefox.

Gain further cookie control in Firefox by heading back to the Cookies and Site Data menu. Click ‘Manage Data’ and choose which cookies you want to remove from certain websites. You can also decide to create an exception to always accept or never accept cookies from certain websites.

How to Delete Cookies on Safari

Apple users will be happy to learn that removing cookies is also possible on the Safari browser. However, third-party cookies are already blocked by default. To remove cookies by:

How to Remove Cookies Quickly

remove cookies

You can control cookies directly through browsers such as Chrome and Firefox. There are apps you can use to cut all the existing cookies that have been saved on the browser with extensions, like pop-up blocker extensions. You can find such extensions in the Chrome webstore for each of the individual browsers. Pick one that will allow you to remove cookies but also keep ones you find useful. We recommend keeping the login details for sites you often visit, such as social networks and other sites that you keep accounts with.

How to Remove Cookies with a Pop-Up Blocker

Pop-ups on websites are intrusive and can cause frustration for the user. You can stop cookies from ruining your online life with a cookie popup blocker such as Poper Blocker. Poper blocker gives you the tools you need to accept and reject cookies from the websites you visit. You can stop third-party tracking cookies as well as general cookies and other pop-ups. It’s a fantastic way to prevent your activity from being tracked and your concentration from being side-lined.

Install Poper Blocker from the web store. It’s a useful extension that is quick to install, easy to manage, and effective at stopping cookie popups. The installation process takes just minutes. Simply find the cookie blocker on the web store, add it to Chrome, and follow the instructions that follow.

You can choose to set up a plan for even more control over your online experiences. It’s also available on Firefox. With over two million users and more than 80,000 reviews, it’s a great option to choose even for those without much experience with blockers or browser extensions.

Remove Cookies to Stop Advertisers Tracking Your Every Move Online

Cookies are also a cause of concern as they can slow down browsing and track your activity online. Cookies do have their benefits too; you can store passwords online and save baskets full of shopping until payday. However, online tracking is what puts most people off, as well as the constant pop-ups from appearing on websites.

You don’t have to give cookie consent when presented with a pop-up. You have the choice to reject or even select what you give consent to. However, asking for cookie permission each time you visit websites can be eliminated using Poper Blocker and extensions designed to prevent a variety of popups from interrupting your flow.

Third Party Cookies Have a Short Shelf Date

cookies permission

Third-party cookies are not a problem for those using Firefox and Apple as they have been eliminated from those browsers. Furthermore, Chrome will soon be putting a stop to third-party cookies by the end of 2023 on their browser too. This is great news, but it doesn’t stop other cookie pop-ups from opening on your page entirely.

Blockers Stop Cookie Pop-Ups

The good news is, that you can easily delete cookies and manage websites you wish to keep information on with ease. Follow the steps above to control cookies and improve your online experience. Additionally, you can reduce further intrusion by installing a pop-up blocker on your browser. They work on Chrome and Firefox and can do more than just stop irritating cookie messages.

Other advantages of Poper Blocker include:

It works with other extensions, and you can easily customize your browsing experience to suit your personal taste.

Unremoved and unblocked cookies will remain stored on your browser. The information stored in the cookie is read by the server when you connect to the website. It’s a fantastic way of saving passwords, but it’s also used to track your activity as you browse online. Advertisers use this information to target you. Removing and controlling cookies is the best way to prevent such activities from taking place. Protecting your privacy as well as your online experience.

You’re fed up with pop-ups ruining your online experiences, so you’ve decided that it’s time to put a stop to it with a blocker app. Good thinking, blockers are the ideal way to stop those irritating boxes from bombarding your screen. Poper Blocker is an excellent choice to make when choosing the right blocker for you, but why is that? Today, we’re going to let you know the advantages you can expect once you’ve installed Poper Blocker on your device.

Block pop-ups

The Ideal Blocker for Chrome and Firefox

First off, it’s important to make sure that the blocker app you choose is suitable for you. The first question to ask is whether it will work on your browser of choice. The good news is, that Poper Blocker is compatible with two of the most popular browsers out there, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The app will work at stopping frustrating pop-ups on both browsers, on your PC, laptop, and even your mobile devices. It’s quick and easy to install, doesn’t intrude on your experience as you browse, and it works.

More than Blocking Pop-ups

There are several blockers that work well at blocking pop-ups, but that’s all they do. Poper Blocker goes further to enhance your online browsing experience. Yes, the pop-ups that open on the page when you visit will be prevented from opening. But that’s not all. Did you know that Poper Blocker is also designed to stop other ads from appearing too

Stop the Popunders 

You know the ads that open below the window you’re on? They are called popunders. You may not even be aware they are there until you close down your current open tab. One common giveaway of a popunder is sound, as they can commonly be videos or pages with sound files that can leave people confused as to where the sound is coming from. If there’s no sound, the popunder can stay open for a long time, draining the performance of your PC.


Prevent the Overlays

Another common form of intrusive advertisement is known as an overlay. Overlay pop-ups appear on top of the page you’re currently visiting. These overlay ads don’t open as a new tab or a new window but simply appear right in front of your face. These can be extremely frustrating, especially if they’re delayed from opening until you’re already engaged and reading the page. Furthermore, the cross to close the overlay popup is often hard to find or click, especially on mobiles. 

Poper Blocker stops popunders and overlays from opening in addition to the pop-ups that you might be more familiar with. Therefore, this blocker is a great one to choose. You take care of three common problems in one go. Perfect!

Works in Harmony with other Blocker Website Apps

The advantages of using Poper Blocker don’t stop there. You may wish to install or already have installed ad blockers. These might be designed to stop advertisements running on websites such as YouTube or Twitch. Other forms of blocker website tools are designed to stop banner ads and display ads. Some blockers will not work in harmony with other ad blockers that are available. Thankfully, Poper Blocker is compatible and purposely designed to work alongside other ad blockers that are out there. This will give you a full interruption-free online experience, each time you open your browser.

User Feedback is Encouraged

Poper Blocker consistently receives amazing feedback by working directly with its users. This blocker app is driven by the community it serves. There are over two million users with the app installed, all of which can provide us with user reports. These reports ensure the blocker stays on top of changes and new trends to ensure it remains effective, day after day. The huge community feedback gives it a unique edge over the competition. 

Poper Blocker is Easy to Install

Not everyone is comfortable when it comes to installing apps on their devices. If you consider yourself to be a technophobe, don’t panic. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide that will help you traverse the act of blocker installation.

Installing Blocker for Chrome

Visit the Chrome Web Store or click the download link on the Poper Blocker website. Here you’ll be shown an overview of the blocker, along with reviews and the number of users. There’s a button that says ‘Add to Chrome’ on the right-hand side of the page. Give that a click with your mouse. A small window will open at the top of the page where you have the option to Add Extension or Cancel with the click of the mouse. To install, select Add Extension. 

Once you have clicked Add Extension, you’ll be asked for your permission to block popups. Agree to continue with the installation. After this step, follow the online instructions to create an account, log in, or log in later. Continue working through the easy-to-follow instructions online. You will have options to continue for free or select a low-cost payment plan. Once you have made your choice the app will begin working. 

Managing the Blocker App

If you would like to learn more about the capabilities of the blocker app, click on the three vertical dots in the corner of your browser and go down to where it says ‘More Tools’ in the menu. Select ‘Extensions’ in the new menu that opens. A new tab will open, showing you all the installed Chrome extensions you have on your device. Find Poper Blocker and click on ‘Details.’ You can also quickly turn the extension off and on as you wish from within this window or remove it entirely.

When managing the extension by following the steps above, you’ll see a clear description of the app, including the version you’re using and the size of the app. Furthermore, you have options such as allowing Poper Blocker to work in incognito mode. Additionally, you can decide if you want to stop data from being shared from all sites you visit, on click, or on specific sites only.

You may also like to make changes to the blocker app preferences. Click where it says ‘Extension Options’ to open a new tab.

Here you can change things such as:

On the same page, you have the choice to whitelist websites you wish to allow popups on. These are websites you trust, add the URL of each of the websites you wish to allow in the box and select add. 

Interference Free Online Browsing with Adblockers

We hope you feel confident about installing and using a blocker app. With so many advantages, it’s clear to see why Poper Blocker has over two million users. Your online experience will be greatly improved in just a few clicks of the mouse or taps on the screen. The app will run silently in the background, but still be accessible so you’re able to make preference changes as and when you please.